Friday, June 10, 2011

Learning through Experience!

Old Media! New Media!  It's all been everywhere we turned this week at the USM MCJ Journalism Workshop!

The Fab Five (my group of lovely teammates and myself) started out the week at broadcasting, spent the next day at the radio station, wrote articles in the Student Printz office Wednesday and spent Thursday around campus taking photos.  Each medium offered something new that I have never heard of before.  A new idea or a new term and I've noticed myself grow more and more comfortable in all the different worlds of journalism.

Picking a favorite type of media from the week was a difficult task because I enjoyed each so much.  After thinking it over, I would say that the top of my list would be the broadcast session because so much of it was foreign to me that I really feel like I learned the most in that session! I learned about packages and scripting, and I took everything I learned in that session and applied it as I wrote the rest of the week in radio and newspaper.

Now, I'm just ready to see our final products!

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